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A Dailey Journey to Bosshood


Mysti Dailey was born in Fresno, California. A miracle child born to Gill and Estelle Dailey, who had taken measures to no longer conceive children. Her surprise conception has always been described as a heaven sent blessing, by her God fearing parents. They always believed that Mysti was put on this Earth with a purpose, and instilled values that would keep her determined to fulfill that purpose. From birth Mysti has overcome trials and tribulations that have laid the foundation for her to be the inspirational woman she is today. And, the lessons she has learned in her walk of life have led her to develop a “Boss Lady Mindset.” As she is a proud black business owner that has built her companies on the values of self-determination, family, and community.

Mysti was always a smart, intuitive young lady. As the baby girl of the family, she watched her mother and father set the standard, she remembers nothing but the best from them, as they were and still are hardworking and prosperous trailblazers. She amounts her success to God and her parents, through their leadership and very supportive parents.

Mysti’s love for and sense of community was developed in her childhood neighborhood “Butler Park” and in the time she spent with family on the westside of Fresno. As a young girl Mysti spent a lot of time with her Grandma Cox and a neighbor, Ms. Helen. Through the two and her mother, she gained a love for cooking, sewing, and arts and crafts. In addition, she loved going to the Mosqueda Center, and the Hinton Community Center with her grandmother to help with the community food giveaways. This planted a seed and gave her a sense of community at a very young age.

Mysti graduated from Roosevelt High School at the age of 16 and went on to attend University of California, Davis as a biology major. Without a doubt, she always knew that she would be successful. Little did she know, she would be a game changer and the boss lady that she's become.

Mysti had her first born at the age of 17.5, with her then boyfriend and soon-to-be husband 4 years later, while pregnant with her 2nd child she married the man who she thought would be her lifetime partner. She was a devoted wife, mother who continued to climb in her professional career.


In 1965, her mother gave birth to her much older brother Eugene. At 3 months old, Eugene had fallen sick and was given Penicillin at the doctor’s office. He suffered from a severe allergic reaction, which caused a delay in his brain development, later leading him to be confined in a wheelchair with limited social skills. In 1984, Eugene passed away from a seizure at the age of 21. This life changing event is what inspired her parents to go into business. Honoring their son through helping others, this is a true way of keeping his legacy alive. In July of 1987, Dailey’s Home Care was opened, which would be the first of many. Growing up, Mysti watched her parents' efforts and ultimately began working for them full time, after returning from college. From what her parents demonstrated her life has always been a journey of doing God's work and helping others. Mysti always maintained employment in a managerial role outside of the family business while working for her parents as well. Through their service, Mysti has even grown up with residents that've been part of her family for more than 35 years, watching both her and her children grow up over the years.



Throughout her marriage she suffered in silence but was able to persevere for her children. In 2005, Central Valley Regional Center approached Mysti to open a specialized home, the first in Fresno, this was a great honor. Mysti became pregnant with her 3rd, upon opening her adult residential care facility for the intellectually disabled. Mysti and her husband had one more child in 2008.Mysti followed God’s direction for her life and decided to leave Pearly Grove Church, the church she was raised in and God placed her at Liberty Christian Fellowship. This move led her to find the place to fulfill the vision she had been given as a child to love, help and lead those like her brother. Liberty had a 7000 sqft building just sitting and Mysti saw something great approached the Pastor with her plan and they leased her the building. Mysti decided to extend her services to others by opening her adult day program in 2010. Mysti rose to the occasion of running two businesses and raising her children herself, despite having a spouse.


It was only 4 years later, when Mysti finally filed for divorce, which allowed her to be set free from a situation that kept her from being her true self. After leaving this toxic environment, she found herself thriving, living her life to its fullest extent and stepping into her own skin. She defeated death twice, it is evident that God is not done with her and has so much in store for this woman. With her own legacy and 4 children later, this woman of God decided to step out in faith. Taking over the game in a real way, now owner of all the land she once leased from the church and continuing, but also beginning her legacy for her generations to come.

As a black woman, in such a unique field, Mysti inevitably was setting the blueprint and breaking barriers for future women and minorities altogether. Low and behold 18 years later she is a C.E.O and serial entrepreneur. As she changes the lives of individuals and families in a variety of unique spaces. She is the Owner and Director of Trinity Development Center, an Adult Day Program, in its 13th year of service. C.E.O of Trinity Dev. Community Center a nonprofit that is currently anticipating its 15th year of service. She is also the C.E.O of Medina Residential Homecare, which has been open for 18 years. Furthermore, she is the co-owner and executive chef of The Rosé, in downtown Fresno, giving job opportunities for those she serves at Trinity Development Center. She is proud to say she is the Founder of her dream foundation which she and her fiancé plan to take worldwide, I.D.C. Intellectual Disabilities Community, giving individuals with Intellectual and Physical disabilities a voice, a space independence and a light in a judgment free world.


The Rosé "No Cost Venue" 559-907-2406

Through keeping God first, lots of prayer and meditation, this mother, grandmother, and fiancé, remains steadfast to the empire. The known and behind the scene sacrifices that this boss endures, doesn't go unnoticed. Mysti is passionate and her heart is present in the services she provides. She gives the best of herself to her family, clients and all that she encounters throughout the city of Fresno. She is genuine in her efforts and has to be twice as intentional with making sure she stops to smell the roses.

With two decades of service approaching, asking her a few tips on the game, was absolute. Mysti says life/business has taught her that; “Hard work does really pay off, I’m a living example of it. Nothing in life is handed to you, my family and I have worked hard to be where we are, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, my parents worked hard to provide a damn good life for me and my siblings and they came from nothing, my children and I lived through hell and I did not let it stop me, we are conquerors, so I don’t believe in excuses. Work hard for what you want and don’t stop even when you get it. Know your surroundings and the people in your circle. Take notes, gain all the knowledge you can, because knowledge is power! Most importantly, in business you can make mistakes, learn from them, BUT you cannot make excuses, there's no room for excuses. Take accountability and be responsible for your actions, that's how you grow and climb.”

Ten years from now this Boss of the decade plans to have completed her lifetime goals and be in early retirement. She looks forward to enjoying the fruits of her labor, enjoying her family, while positioning her children and grandchildren for full inexcusable generational excellence.

“Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light on my path.” Psalms 119:105 NIV



Written By: Tanisha Sorrell

Edited By: Naomi Medina, Justice Medina

Join Mysti Dailey on October 31 at 11am for her Grand Opening & Trunk or Treat in the evening at 6pm

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