Awards (17)


Julie Valentine was born in Berkeley, CA and raised in Oakland, CA. Julie has been a local school bus driver for over 24 years, 15 of those years she was a certified Bus Driver Instructor, training numerous bus drivers throughout California. She received the Blackwell Award in 2017 which represents over 20 years of accident free school bus driving. She currently works for a charter school in West Fresno. She has a heart for children and has always believed that she plays a vital role in making sure kids make it to school safe to get the proper education needed to be successful in life. 


Julie is also the owner/operator of Southern Belle Sweet Tea.   She has been a vendor at all the Fresno Vibe Festivals since the day they started in 2017.  She aims to tickle your taste buds with a southern, authentic taste of nostalgia. While a California girl at heart she cherishes the “southern way”.  Julie’s recipe, an updated version of a generation-old recipe will have you running back for another ice-cold cup. Originally enjoyed as a cherished family treat, she shares a tradition that has been bringing her family & friends together for generations.  



She is the oldest of 3 girls and 1 boy.  The loves of her life include 3 daughters, Jasmin,(Brandon)  Kally and Jessica (David) and 1 son, Ricky, (Roberta). She is also Nana to 7 granddaughters, Jaylin, Morgan, Lauren, Kalaya, London, Scarlet and Judeth and 1 grandson, David.   Numerous God-children and babies from other Mothers. She is the oldest girl out of over 200 cousins. She is divorced.  


She considers herself in her “Second Spring”.  Her current goal is to solidify her retirement in Las Vegas, NV.  Lord willing, she will turn 60 in March and states “If anyone thinks I’m magical as I turn 60, I’ll take it!  She thanks Adrian and the entire Vibe staff. May God bless their hearts!


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Keeza was born and raised in Fresno California, she grew up in a pro black household surrounded by positive black images.  She was raised to love herself, her blackness and her african culture.  She is driven to instill the self-love and self confidence that she grew up having in the Black African youth today. She strives to implement into our youth to look in the mirror and see their beauty; to see the beauty in being black. 


She is one of four owners of an African Centered School called Sankofa School Central California L.L.C. whose mission is to provide an african centered viewpoint in all aspects of life. 


She is also one of the coordinators for Fresno Community Kwanzaa Celebration.  She was raised celebrating Kwanzaa; an African American holiday built on seven principles pf upliftment of the Black Community.  She is inspired to uplift her African American Culture in celebrating ourselves to the fullest by keeping our holiday alive and teaching our youth the truth about their African History.


If you would like to meet and celebrate with Keeza McCoy, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair – Black Magical Award event on February 29th at Smugglers Banquet at 7 pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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Dr. Lopez was born in Lemoore, CA and has lived most of her life in the Central Valley. She says that the greatest joy in her life is her family. She has been happily married for 20 years to her best friend, Carlos Lopez. Together, they have two beautiful children Tyrell and Amaya. Dr. Lopez also states that the love and support of her family is the foundation which she can engage in meaningful community work.


Dr. Lopez is passionate about advocating for foster and homeless youth because of her personal experience. She is a former foster youth and was homeless when she started community college. She knows first-hand the barriers these youth experience and has committed her career to improving systems for disadvantaged youth. As a Christian, Isaiah 1:17 guides her advocacy: “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”


Dr. Kizzy Lopez is a professor, researcher, and advocate. She has worked in higher education for 12 years in academic and student affairs as a champion for educational equity for underserved students, particularly those who have experienced foster care or homelessness. Dr. Lopez is currently serving as an Assistant Professor in Social Work at Fresno Pacific University.


As a practitioner, Dr. Lopez led the effort to create a campus-based program for foster and homeless youth at Fresno State known as the Renaissance Scholars Program (RSP). This program was designed to increase college access and graduation rates for foster and homeless youth attending the university. Dr. Lopez was the founding coordinator and served in this role for 10 years. During that time, she served over 200 students, developed innovative services and practices that increased student retention and graduation rates. She also represented the CSU system in advocating for statewide policy change for foster youth and homeless youth. 


As a scholar, Dr. Lopez is a national speaker on educational equity, foster care, and race. She is a TEDx speaker on the topic, The Trauma of Being Black in Foster Care. She was also featured in a Kleenex video highlighting the experiences of foster and homeless youth moving into the college dorms which have received over 5 million views. Dr. Lopez has co-authored publications focused on strategies to support college-going foster youth, including Transitional-Age Foster Youth: Getting Them Into and Through College and forthcoming Fostering Success: Supporting College-Going Foster Youth on Campus. She has been previously recognized for her contributions and received Fresno’s Heroes Unmasked Award, Outstanding Faculty/Staff Rosa Parks Award, Child Advocacy Award, and Diversity and Social Justice Advocate Award. 


If you would like to meet and celebrate with Dr. Kizzy Lopez, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair – Black Magical Award event on February 29th at Smugglers Banquet at 7 pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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9596931277?profile=originalIn 2012 Helping Others Pursue Excellence was founded.  H.O.P.E. is a 501C3 non-profit vocational training and entrepreneurship program.….


The vision was inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit of Laneesha Senegal.  As a low-income mother of five (5), Laneesha experienced firsthand the struggle of barely making ends meet.  Multiple nights without power and heat and even a shortage of food sparked her interest to start a business.



While navigating life’s journey, Laneesha started to encounter daily a growing number of individuals with the same passion to create a business.  However, in the start-up phase they too were met with many of the same poverty challenges.  For some it was the basic understanding of the paperwork needed to operate.  For others it was the challenge to generate funding to develop marketing materials or the technical assistance to access resources.  While they too were struggling to put gas in their car or even more extreme, were homeless, they each shared the dream to launch a business.


While growing her business, the No’s and the business rejections Laneesha encountered is what fueled her drive to help others.  Thus, to remove the barriers preventing other entrepreneurs like Laneesha the opportunity to realize their dreams, she wrote the vision for the Vision View Business Formation Center.  Vision View is now one of the largest and most comprehensive entrepreneurship centers in the central valley.  The motto for Vision View is “Where One’s Vision is Without Limits”


If you would like to meet or celebrate with Laneesha Senegal, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair - Black Magical Award event on February 29th @ Smugglers Banquet Hall at 7pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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Being a Southwest Fresno Native, LaTisha Harris has seen the good, the bad and ugly while actively working to improve her community. Been a pastor’s daughter and granddaughter, it was instilled in her at an early age, the importance of serving her community, while advocating for those in need.


After receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, with an emphasis in Child Welfare from California State University, Fresno; LaTisha has served at various non-profits in the Central Valley- empowering and advocating for people of color in disadvantaged communities. From contract negotiations and enforcement for fair wages and benefits to organizing campaigns to fight for Environmental Justice, in communities of color that are oftentimes adversely impacted the most, LaTisha has seen first hand,  the disparities that communities of color face; but she refuses to give up the fight and will continue to be the voice for those that are often forgotten about. 


While working as a Program Manager for a local organization, LaTisha began to recognize the organizational infrastructure issues that minority businesses and organizations face inhibiting their success. Rather than focusing on the problem, she developed a solution and launched her own business, Divinely Created Administrative Consulting. Here she focuses on providing technical assistance to small businesses, organizations and churches, whether they are just starting out or want to grow to the next level. Although still in its infancy stages, she has been able to help businesses and organizations throughout California thrive.


Even though her business is growing, she has not quit her day job….yet! She currently works for a National Organization as a Frontline Community Organizer-representing the hardest-hit communities—Indigenous, African-American, Latino, Asian Pacific Islander, poor and working-class families,on the front lines of climate disaster and fossil-fuel extraction and pollution across this state.  It is her focus to build a sustainable community, energy democracy, job creation and affordable housing.


LaTisha actively serves at her local church as Administrator and Women’s Ministry Director. With all of her accomplishments, her greatest passion is being a mother to three gifted and talented blessings, her children- Jeremiah, Samarra and Deron.

LaTisha is committed to "finding the need and meeting it; finding the hurt and healing it." Her objective is to complete the God-ordained assignment on her life, while serving people and her community with a sincere and Christ-centered heart.

LaTisha Harris- 1-part entrepreneur + 1-part community activist/organizer +1 -part Mother = 100% Community Advocate and Servant 


If you would like to meet or celebrate with Latisha Harris, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair - Black Magical Award event on February 29th @ Smugglers Banquet Hall at 7pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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A young and driven jewel to the city of Fresno stands Inez Hill. Born and raised in Southwest
Fresno, Inez has overcome many obstacles and challenges of her childhood that has driven her
passion to serve others. Inez has been a powerful youth leader and mentor to over hundreds of
youth in Fresno for over 5 years and by only being 21 years old the impact that she has created
is outstanding.


Inez is a 4th year Psychology student at California State University, Fresno while also minoring in
Public Health. Her career goal is to become a counselor or therapist to at risk youth. The
beginning of her success is starting now as she does a lot of community service throughout
Fresno. Inez serves as a student leader with the Jan and Bud Richter Center for Community
Engagement and Service-Learning on the campus of Fresno State. Within the program she is a
member of the SERVE (Service Experience with Richter Volunteer Events) committee where she
dedicates her time to help plan, coordinate and implement service activities for three major
national and local days of service. Inez shows great leadership, and overall what it’s like to be a
servant to others with a pure heart.


Outside of her education life, Inez does a tremendous amount of work in her very own
community in Southwest Fresno. She has been an active volunteer with many organizations
such as the Community Food bank, Habitat for Humanity, Sierra Foothill Conservancy, Fresno
Unified Mentoring Program, Art of Life, and Shinzen Gardens. Under the leadership of Pastor
David (DJ) Criner, Inez serves as the youth leader through dance and mentor ship at Saint Rest
Baptist Church. She also serves on the board of The Saint Rest Plaza on Elm street as the
volunteer and kids activities coordinator. She recently co-directed the LIFT Conference at
Fresno State that brought together student leaders throughout California to foster the
development of the pillars of LIFT which are Leadership, Innovation, Fellowship, and
Transformation. She also was awarded as the 2019 Newman Civic Fellow and she recently just
received the John D. Welty Award for Excellence in Community Service for 2020.


This is just the beginning of her magical journey. In February of 2019, Inez was crowned as Miss
Black Fresno 2019 in which she exemplified black excellence through beauty. Being a part of a
beautiful network of women who are African American inspired her to be even more bold and
accepting of herself. She hopes to continue spreading her black magic throughout Fresno and
around the world.


If you would like to meet and celebrate with Inez Hill, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair – Black Magical Award event on February 29th at Smugglers Banquet at 7 pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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Elisha Henderson is a Mother, Entrepreneur, Community Advocate for the African American Community as well as a Health and Wellness Coach for our Veterans at the VA Hospital. Originally from the Bay Area, Elisha came to Fresno to attend California State University, Fresno. She graduated with a B.S. in Criminology and then later obtained her Master’s in Human Resource Management with an emphasis on Organizational Change.  She currently serves as the President of the Fresno State African American Alumni and Friends Club. This is just one of the ways that Elisha tries to help past, current and future students of Fresno State.


As the Owner and Chief Editor of Final Look Editing she works diligently to provide quality and affordable editing services to a wide range of customers. No matter if it is a self-published book, a thesis, dissertation, or even a Facebook post, Final Look Editing will get the job done. Recently she was honored to work with Fresno County Superintendent of Schools to assist in the writing of the Community Voices Moving Towards Excellence. This document opens the doors for the community to come together to fight for our African American students.  

The entrepreneur that Elisha is recognizes the importance of teaching her two daughters how to be in a position of ownership and not only an employee. Under her management her youngest daughter Evonne Henderson (12 years old) is the owner of E-Money Entertainment and provides professional DJ services to the Fresno Community. At the same time her eldest daughter Elana Henderson (15 years old) will be launching her company E-Magine Social Media Management later this year.


Ms. Henderson saw the need for increased involvement in her children’s academic careers as racism and anti-Black behavior was going unpunished. This involvement went from being on the PTA at both Baird Middle School and Bullard High School, to acting as the Chair of the African American Parent Committee at Bullard High School and being a member of Black Education Collaboration Organized Network (BECON). Add her participation in Black Leaders Organized for Change (BLOC) and you can guess that Elisha is continually working to build a better future for not only her children but all of ours. Screen-Shot-2020-02-11-at-12-00-04-PM-copy.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710x

At the Fresno VA Hospital, Elisha is a Social Science Program Coordinator for the Whole Health Program under the Chief of Staff. It is in this capacity that she works with Veterans and staff to change the culture from focusing on what is the matter with a Veteran to what matters to them. Passionate about her work she has been certified in Healing Touch and is working towards certification in Tai Chi. Through Health and Wellness Coaching she is able to help both Veterans and her co-workers with goal setting and alternate forms of treatment that are complimentary to their traditional care. Services such as Acupuncture, Chiropractic services, Massage Therapy, Tai Chi, Healing Touch and Yoga are only a few that Elisha assists with.


Elisha Henderson’s passion for helping people and drive to be a blessing to others show in her commitment to excellence and are why she is a Black Magical Woman. 

If you would like to meet or celebrate with Elisha, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair - Black Magical Award event on February 29th @ Smugglers Banquet Hall at 7pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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Keshia Thomas M.Ed 

President of Fresno Unified Board of Trustees’s Keshia Thomas is the proud mother of three sons and a daughter as well as two grandsons. She was elected by the voters in the Edison High Region. 



Trustee Thomas’s resume includes a Master’s degree in education, BS in education, teaching and administrative credential and a State License in Cosmetology. Her work history lists family construction business, cosmetologist, journeyman cashier, elementary, middle school and high school teacher and administrator, and businesswoman. She is currently an Executive Director of the Saints Rest EDC and a Program Director at Fresno Career Development Institute, Inc., a non-profit organization. 


President Thomas has dedicated her attention to be of service to her community with a focus on education. Her objective as a trustee on the school board is to do what she can to raise Fresno Unified School District to become a premier school district on the national stage. Her emphasis is ensuring that all children are lifted to equal standing with an emphasis on children of color, and that their parents are brought in to participate in their education. 


Prior to her election to the Fresno Unified School District Trustee Board, Trustee Thomas found time to give back to her community through working in her church, Fellowship Baptist Church, as Assistant Director of the Homeless Ministry and Assistant Director of the Children’s Church. 

Trustee Thomas also serves as a member of the following organizations: 

Dailey Charter School Board of Directors, Center for Advanced Research and Technology(CART) Board Member, Central Valley New Market Tax Credit Board Member, Women’s Democratic Club, National Women’s Political Caucus, West Fresno Democratic Club, Kennedy Club and Chair of the Youth and Young Adults committee of Black Women Organized for Political Action(BOWAPA) 

If you would like to meet or celebrate with Keshia Thomas, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair - Black Magical Award event on February 29th @ Smugglers Banquet Hall at 7pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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Viva McCray Straughter Moved to Fremont Ca in 1980 where she started her 31 year career with AT&T. Viva moved back to Fresno in 1992 and retired in 2012. Fremont, Ca. Viva has an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for helping others in her community.

Upon moving back to Fresno, she started A Fashion Show Business “Simply Haute
Productions” producing 10 annual Fashion and Hair Shows from 1992-2002.

Founder of Christian Valley Pageants as of 2017, and Executive Producer of the Miss Black Fresno Pageant. MISS BLACK FRESNO PAGEANT is a platform that showcases beautiful black girl talent in a positive and glamorous fashionable way. Her upcoming Miss Black Fresno 2020 Pageant is scheduled for Feb 22, at Fresno High School Royce Hall at 3pm. Her overall goal is to Empower, Embrace, Inspire and Celebrate young beautiful black people. The winner of Miss Black Fresno receives scholarship money to help with their education. Viva plans on launching a Mr. Black Fresno in 2021.




In addition to helping the community Viva has been very vocal in teaching the community about generation wealth, and how important it is to leave a legacy.

She is an advocate for many causes in her community. Viva has organizational memberships with (FMBCC) Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce, (BWOPA) Black Women Organized
For Political Action, (BAPAC) Black American Political Association of California, (NAACP)
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People. Viva is also Co-Founder and
Vice President of Black Leaders Organizing Change (BLOC). She also serves as an
Ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Association advocacy public policy.




If you would like to meet or celebrate with Viva Straughter, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair - Black Magical Award event on February 29th @ Smugglers Banquet Hall at 7pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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Janice Sumler was born and raised in Fresno, CA attending Lincoln Elementary, Irwin, Jr High and graduating from Edison High School —Class of 1976. After graduating from Edison, Janice attended Fresno City College, transferring to Fresno State University majoring in Business Administration and Accounting.

Janice later became employed at the Dept. of Social Services in Eligibility/Out Reach Services and retired July, 2015 after 25 years of service.


Currently, Janice has continued in outreach services as Co-Founder of the Take A Stand Committee (2010). Take A Stand was created as an advocacy non-profit serving at-risk youth, engaging and implementing mentoring programs. Take A Stand hosts an annual Teen Summit for the youth entitled “Choices and Consequences”. Take A Stand also conducts monthly meetings engaging the community and providing many resources.



Janice is also the Director-Coordinator of the Fresno Juneteenth Committee organizing the annual celebration honoring the historical ending of slavery with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation with over 5000 community residents attending.


This Year Juneteenth  >>>>>

Janice is an active member of the West Fresno Democratic Club, The Friends of Allensworth. She also serves on the Advisory Board of Fresno County Pre-Term Birth Initiative Committee. Janice is extremely passionate and steadfastly committed to our community. She is the proud mother of two beautiful daughters, Jessica and Shurron.

If you would like to meet or celebrate with Janice Sumler, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair - Black Magical Award event on February 29th @ Smugglers Banquet Hall at  7pm. 

Purchase Tickets here


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Kimberly Tapscott-Munson was born March 12,1964 to Patti Walker Tapscott & Benny James Tapscott, Jr. in Oakland, CA. Kimberly grew up in the Bay Area, and in Fresno, CA. during the summers and holiday vacations. Kimberly was also raised under the loving touch of Betty Kennedy-Tapscott, her second Mother. Kimberly attended Britton Middle School and Live Oak High School, all located in Morgan Hill, CA. Kimberly studied the Art of Ballet for 10 years and mastered dance en pointe. In 1982 Kimberly graduated from Skyline High School, in the hills of Oakland, CA. Kimberly is an expert skier, skiing at her favorite slopes of Heavenly, Bear Valley, and Squaw Valley in Olympic Valley, CA. Kimberly also modeled professionally for a private designer, while she resided in the Bay Area.


Kimberly have 3 beautiful daughters, Karea Dorothy, Pridjet Carrie, and Briona L. Mary. Kimberly had a very successful career in the Bay Area, while working for such companies as I.B.M., Apple Computer, and Mutual of New York where she was a Life Insurance Underwriter and the Manager of the Death Claims Department.  Dr. Donald K. Cheek became her Second Dad, who has been a constant inspiration in Kimberly's life, for over 20 years. Kimberly begin to work for Fresno Unified School District, where she was employed for 20 years as a School Librarian, she was fondly referred to as "Ms. Kim" where she ran her library with "Tough Love" where the rules were followed with her loving touch. Kimberly was dedicated to the children of F.U.S.D. she could have sought employment elsewhere and have tripled her salary but she chose to stay with F.U.S.D., to be there for the children, this was her Ministry! For Kimberly always felt that the Library was the "Heart of the School" and students would come to the Library to seek, knowledge, love, words of encouragement and most of all … a hug!kimberly2.png?profile=RESIZE_710x


In 2008, Kimberly married Darryl Munson, the love of her life and with this union she gained another son, Joseph D.  kimberly3.png?profile=RESIZE_710x

In 2017, Kimberly took a bold step out on faith. With a desire to represent her beloved community in District 3, by running for City Council. This was her first Campaign, and with little knowledge of the process. But if you know Kimberly, then you know she is not one that walks away from a challenge, she's a fixer. She will look a problem square in the eye, and start to make a plan of attack, with a Plan A, Plan B and always the wonderful backup to the backup… a Plan C! Little did she know that she would be running against 5 outstanding men! Kimberly looked at this opportunity as she was forming 5 business relationships for the future and form, she did. But what was beautiful about the District 3 Race is that all 6 candidates truly had a passion for District-3 and they all felt qualified for the position. Needless to say, she learned a lot from the process. She learned that she couldn’t do it alone and that she needed a team!Kimberly4.png?profile=RESIZE_710x

Kimberly states, "Education (FCOE) We Will Make History! I Will Be The First Woman Of Color Elected the First!" And in November's Primary Election of 2018, she won her election with over 12,000 votes! She ran against 3 other people. Kimberly has currently completed her 1st year of her 4-year term. It is exciting to see her in this role as the 1st Woman of Color Elected to The Board!

Spring 2019 she had the pleasure of becoming a Soror through Legacy into the Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Alpha Nu Omega Chapter, in Oakland CA. We are known as " The girls with the 20 pearls." With 15 of my line sisters. I am a double Greek Legacy, for my father belongs to the Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity Chapter, in Fresno, CA.  Kimberly is also a DOL: A Daughter of A Link.

October 28, 2019, Kimberly ventured into another stream of revenue. KTM Consulting Services. " The Answer… To All Of Your Questions!" Which lead to a new position as Community Engagement Consultant to the City of Fresno. Through Board Council President Miguel Angel Arias Office in District 3.  Kimberly quoted, "I'm Just A Girl Boss… Building Her Empire!"kim.png?profile=RESIZE_710x

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Anita Paggett is the Owner of Nitaann’s Edible Creations Home based Bakery. This came about after
she retired from the Postal Service after working there for 22 years. She is a mother of four children
and four grandchildren. Anita’s mother, Annie, realized Anita starting picking up habits of an entrepreneur at an early age. Anita was already making homemade ice cream and baking cookies and she would set up a little table in front of their home and sell her deserts.  


Over the years she has won several cake decorating contest. She received recognition 4 years in a row in The Big Fresno Fair cake decorating contest. She received 1st place, Best of The Show and Judges Choice ribbon. When she isn’t tied up designing cakes for fairs, custom orders, birthdays, etc., She teaches  classes at Michael’s Craft Stores within Fresno and Clovis. Anita also loves setting up her pop up booth at Vibe Festivals in-which she has participated at every festival since 2017. Anita's booth is all white with purple labels, it's vey hard to miss when she also has all the deserts for sale. 



On February 15, 2020, Anita and Gregory Washington joined each other in marriage. Anita also decided to merge her business with her husband restaurant called Smokey’s Grill. The new name now is Smokey’s Grill and Bake Shop. She bakes desserts and yeast rolls daily. In the future she plans on opening a location where she can teach culinary, baking, and cake decorating. 


Smokey’s Grill and Bake shop is located at 2707 N. Hughes, Fresno, CA 93705. (559) 477-7977 or (559)

If you would like to meet and celebrate with Anita Paggett-Washington, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair – Black Magical Award event on February 29th at Smugglers Banquet at 7 pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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Shalita is today’s BMW because she has broken down glass ceilings and triumphed all limitations and challenges laid before her. As of Today, February 14th, 2020 she is a mother of five wonderful children by birth, six by love, married to her husband for 16 years, and is a Vice Principal at Bullard High School. Accomplishments, so grand that many ask her, “how do you do it all?” Shalita explains that her drive and philosophy in life and education stems from her upbringing and early experiences in education, sports and mentorship.


Shalita was born to teenage parents in Redlined Fresno’s Southwest community in 1979. After early exposure to gangs, drugs, and impoverished conditions, it was her young Mother’s desire to emphasize Education as an only means of survival. Her Mother, Elizabeth, having only recently migrated from the infamous Southside of Chicago to Fresno, knew that by promoting School and participation in sports and activities would be her children’s “way out” to success. These ideals quickly became Shalita’s passions. Shalita, a self-proclaimed “Lover of Learning” was soon recognized as a Gifted student and although now situated on Fresno’s Southeast side near the Big Fresno Fair, by 4th grade she was placed in G.A.T.E. classes and eventually was bused to Edison-Computech Middle and High School as part of Magnet program. This experience became a pivotal turning point for Shalita.


Shalita experienced and witnessed huge discrepancies in opportunities and access in education between her “neighborhood” friends/basketball teammates and Magnet program peers. Shalita, having experienced being part of both backgrounds, was unsettled about what she witnessed and began to develop the skill, will and desire to change that narrative for students that were adversely affected by these differences.

After graduating from Edison High School is 1998, Shalita continued her education at Reedley College and received her AA Degree and a full basketball Division 1 Scholarship to North Carolina A&T University, an HBCU in 2000. After suffering a medical injury from basketball, she returned home to Fresno, married her Husband on Valentine’s day in 2004 and obtained her BS in Business Administration from CSU, Fresno in 2005. Later that year, Shalita, a lover of school and especially math began her career in education as an intern math teacher at West Fresno Middle School. With her Husband, Eric Herod, Sr., a new home and three children on her hip at the time, sons Eric, Jr. and Tyric Herod and only daughter Sanai Herod, Shalita then earned her MA in Education, with an emphasis in Cross Cultural Studies in 2009 along with her Preliminary Teaching Credential in Business with a Math Authorization. Also, in the 2008-2009 academic year, she transitioned her career as a full-time Math Teacher (Algebra 1) and Co-Head girls varsity basketball coach at her Alma Mater Edison High School. There she would teach in the classroom for six years as a math teacher, coach for three years, pilot and grow a successful Women’s Alliance Program in 2011-2013, while welcoming her fourth child, son Kendric Herod in 2012. She eventually moved out of the classroom as a Teacher on Special Assignment and functioned as Site Instructional Support for Freshman Math and English teams in 2014-2018. Shalita also earned her Administrative Credential in 2014, she delivered her 5th child, son Deitric Herod in 2015. Soon after in 2016, Shalita and Eric, Sr. also welcome their “Bonus” and 6th son James Walker into their home for the next 3 years. Shalita was then offered a position at Bullard High School in 2018-19 Academic year.


Although emotionally difficult leaving her roots at Edison High School, a place where she was a three-time basketball Valley Champion and Junior League Senior-Girl Athlete of the year, where she loved serving students in the community from whence she came; Shalita learned to embrace the placement at Bullard High School as an administrator after quickly realizing her true purpose. Feeling challenged and facing limitations as a Black, female administrator on the more affluent side of Redlined Fresno, Shalita has learned to embrace those challenges and stand against them. Shalita realized that the need for advocacy amongst the minority demographics was/is at high demand while historic and systemic ideals regarding race and opportunity is slowly, yet positively transitioning in Fresno and particularly at Bullard High. Still at a site where political and racial attention is prominent, Shalita being a parent and a team member chooses the do more and say less approach to begin to find solutions. Shalita has created campus groups like, United Black Men, Group. and S.O.U.L. of the Knights (Steppers) in order to increase engagement of Black students and help to create for them a voice, a sense of belonging and connectedness.


Shalita is working closely with students, parents, and other stakeholders to examine and possibly create new systems and structures that impact opportunities for minority children. As said, Shalita has helped to revive the African American Parent Advisory Committee and BSU at Bullard, she has piloted and manages a thriving African American Acceleration Program (A4) at Bullard. Additionally, at Bullard High School, Shalita is the supervisor over Mathematics and PE Departments, Athletics, the Site’s Testing Coordinator and much more. Shalita is the Sites only Black Administrator and (possibly) the site’s first Black, female administrator. Shalita wears many hats in life, has run businesses, and received awards like AFRO (Aspiring Female Reaching Others) Award in 2014 and created, coached, and has ran community organizations and AAU basketball Teams in order to create opportunities for kids through education and sports, like she experienced. All of which she is proud and has had success, yet none of which she boasts.


What makes Shalita the proudest and continues to drive her passions are seeing her students and her own children flourish. Being the first to earn a College degree in her family, she is hopeful to have created college completion as a minimum expectation, the standard foundational goal for generations that succeed her. Her firstborn, Eric Jr. a Bullard Senior, just applied to Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, UCLA and Howard Universities to name a few. Her son James, a Bullard Junior, continues to maintain above a 3.3 G.P.A. Her son Tyric Herod, a Bullard Sophomore is an outstanding Varsity basketball starting leader. Her daughter Sanai (6th grade) is a Straight A Student-Athlete and little ones Kendric (2nd grade) and Deitric (Pre-School) enjoys learning and sports. All indications that her passion for education and sports/engagement is thriving in others she directly impacts. What Shalita feels makes her the most magical is she is able to create and provide platforms for students, take the mic and a stand both literally and figuratively and manage it all with positivity. So to the question, “how do you do it all?”, she simply replies, “I just do. It’s what’s best for kids.”


If you would like to meet and celebrate with Shalita Herod, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair – Black Magical Award event on February 29th at Smugglers Banquet at 7 pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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Tiffany Binion Mangum was born and raised in Fresno, California, to her parents, Dr. Paul and Valarie Binion. She was an extremely gifted student during her formative years, attending Roosevelt High School of the Arts, following her passion to study piano and voice. Tiffany furthered her education at California State University, Fresno, where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree.


Tiffany possesses over 20 years of music experience, including 10+ years, at what has been considered a professional level. She also has several years of training and teaching in the arena of music and Creative Arts to her credit. Her learning and development in music began at an early age under the direction of her mother, Director of Music and Worship Arts at a church lead by her father. Tiffany is a founding member of the youth choir and worship teams. She continues to be active in music locally and nationally, as a result of her early training – serving in various capacities within the Worship Arts Ministry including Praise & Worship Leader, Trainer/Teacher, songwriter, choir director, producer, and in other capacities outside of her church organization (i.e. Christian music associations, consortiums, etc.).

Tiffany is an active member of the California Gospel Music Artists Association, National Alliance of Gospel Industry Professionals, Hawkins Music & Arts Seminar, the Recording Academy (Grammy) and several others. She is skilled and trained in various genres of the Arts.


Tiffany also has had the privilege of working with a variety of recording artists, including Kathy Taylor, Martha Munizzi, Joshua Rogers, the late Vernon Chappell, Christian David and friends, and others. Also, she’s had an opportunity to open for artists such as Fred Hammond, Kirk Franklin, and Anita Wilson. She continues to render her songwriting and music as a vocalist in venues, both in and outside of her church, challenging her to reach a diverse audience of listeners. As a vocalist, Tiffany aspires to increasingly develop her songwriting and vocal skills, continuing to grow in knowledge and skill.


Tiffany has been very instrumental in her community, she currently serves on several boards; 

  1. Made for Them - a human trafficking advocacy and services agency
  2. Fresno Arts Council - Represents the performing arts community
  3.  Manager of Executive Operations and California Ave Neighborhood Project Manager
    1. Overseeing the revitalization of Southwest Fresno development for Fresno Housing.


If you would like to meet or celebrate with Tiffany, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair - Black Magical Award event on February 29th @ Smugglers Banquet Hall at 7pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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R. Mikki Addison is a Black Magical Woman because she is a community activist, mental health clinician, social worker, and motivational speaker. As a motivational speaker, she has a special interest in issues pertaining to women, teenage boys and girls. Mikki graduated from Thomas A. Edison High School, Fresno, CA, graduated with her B.A. in Communication from CSUF in 1987. Additionally, she received her Master’s in Social Work (MSW) in 1995, again from CSUF.



With her MSW degree in hand, she became employed from 1995 until 1999 by Positive Attitude Outlook. She was a social worker to children placed in court-ordered foster homes.


In 1999, Mikki was hired by Fresno County Behavioral Health as a mental health clinician. She worked at the Fresno County Jail for seven and half years as a member of the Jail Psychiatrist Services (JPS) team. In 2008, she transferred to the Juvenile Justice Campus (JJC). Mikki remained at the JJC until 2014 when she retired from employment with Fresno County.


Mikki the owner of “For The Inside” designer of stylish tee-shirts, postcards, and greeting cards. Introducing Rac the Raccoon, a future cartoon spokesperson.  



Her book, “Be Still & Be Quiet” deals with our current problem of raising well-behaved and well-adjusted children. Many former practices have changed due to research, laws, and habits. Some schools, as well as, other institutions have gone out-of-the-discipline business. Technology ideas have changed on how best to discipline children. 



Mikki’s book is an opinionated book that she felt qualified to tell parents about and suggest ways to achieve better results when dealing with their young children and adolescents behaviors. Now, it’s time for parents to connect and deal with raising their children by taking on more parenting responsibilities.

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LaTasha Jones was born in Los Angeles, CA in a crime infested community that bared street signs that
read, “One way in, no way out.” The many years of LAPD sirens and helicopters echoed throughout her
sleep many nights in fear of who would be killed and/or arrested. Cleary by the age of 6, LaTasha had
already internalized that the ongoing police and ambulance sirens were a sign of trouble and not a sign
of rescue. Rather than succumbing to the statistical predictions, LaTasha channeled much of her
childhood trauma by writing (unpublished) short stories entitled, Little Girl Lost and The Exit which
continues to be a passion of hers to date.


LaTasha have been providing services in human suffering for over 25 (twenty-five) years. More than 20
(twenty) years as a Social Worker Practitioner in Child Protective Services, Emergency Response Division. LaTasha has also worked and advocated as a social work clinician in one of California’s crime riddled,political correctional systems. LaTasha obtained an Associate Arts (AA) degree in Medical
Administration at San Joaquin Valley College. She then obtained a Bachelor’s of Arts (B.A) degree in
Social Work and a Masters in Social Work (M.S.W.) from California State University, Fresno. LaTasha
have also completed, Intensive Child Welfare Title IVE training and entrepreneur development training.


LaTasha have effectively integrated her passion for women & youth empowerment, community
advocacy and leadership development in founding two groups that she remains committed to. B.L.I.N.G
(Business Ladies Informational Networking Group) and SPOT (Sharing Positive Opportunities w/Teens);
which is a youth entrepreneurship nonprofit program for youth.


BLING is a platform for women in business or aspiring business leaders to develop, grow and/or expand
their business. LaTasha acts as the group’s facilitator and has assisted women in global marketing
strategies. LaTasha has earned quite a reputation for her business model to incorporate
“intergenerational training” which challenges women to mentor youth in every aspect of their business
development. Despite been really busy with her daily servitudes, LaTasha made time to launch
Talk2Tasha Services which serves overextended six figure professional women to tame their crazy
schedules and balance self-care and mental stamina.


She disrupts any stereo typical false imagery that nothing ‘Good comes from the Hood.’ She went from
Section 8 to 8 forms of income and has become a savvy real estate investor, and two-time best-seller
author and absolutely love teaching others how to so the same.

LaTasha credits her ability to undertake more than the norm by the strength and direction given to her
by her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who have blessed her with a supportive mother and husband of 23
years along with their three children who has unselfishly shared their parents with many “community
children” in need.



If you would like to meet and celebrate with Tasha, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair – Black Magical Award event on February 29th at Smugglers Banquet at 7 pm.

Purchase Tickets here


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Angela Scott was born in Los Angeles California January 22, 1978 where she attended Warren Lane elementary school, Markham middle school, and eventually moving to Hanford California to attended Hanford West high school. While in high school she received a scholarship to Lawrence and Company Beauty college. After graduating and receiving her cosmetology license, Angela went straight into the hair and beauty industry. 


From a child all the way through adulthood she faced many challenges. As a child with her father being incarcerated, him not being there left her with a void in her life. Things got hard for her mother and 3 sisters which led to their move to Hanford California. Overcoming stage 4 cancer marking this year 10 years cancer free! She says “Sometimes I got to remind myself of all the things I’ve been through and encourage myself to keep going. Through all the things I’ve already been through I’m still here. I made it through by the grace of God. It doesn't matter what your situation looks like at the moment, keep fighting and you will make it through!” 


After moving to Fresno, she eventually opened her first hair salon and boutique called “Diva Lashes Hair & Accessories” in 2008. She didn’t begin there though. With the passion to help people and a heart of gold, she saw that there was a community in need of her help. She was heartbroken to see such a large number of homeless women, men, and children in her community. Beginning in 2004 to this day, Angela decided to do her part in giving a helping hand to the less fortunate in whatever way that she could. She started off making meals with a some of her friends to hand out to anyone that needed food. She began going out to motels, parks, G street, downtown Fresno, and anywhere she had seen homeless people. It wasn’t just the homeless people she fed though, whoever was hungry during the food giveaways got food. After a year or two of feeding the homeless at least once a month she decided to put a name to what she was doing, so she started her small non-profit organization called “ACT Helping Hands”. Angela’s organization was designed strictly based on helping the community in any way that she could, giving people information to resources that they might not have known about in the community such as housing assistance, other local food resources, mental health, counseling, or even if they just need prayer. We all have to do our part to make our communities and world a better place and that has always been her goal. Angela is a women who definitely goes the extra mile. 


Angela’s love for cooking begin as a child and grew with her into adulthood from watching her grandmothers, mother, older sisters, and other family and friends. In her grandmother’s kitchen there was always something cooking that you could tell was coming from the soul. Her mother Kathy taught her how to prepare food and to always cook as if she was cooking for the president. She also taught Angela that if she loved cooking that her food should reflect the love that she puts into it. Angela’s passion for cooking took her on a journey that she never expected. From feeding the homeless every month all around Fresno, to having a full-blown snack bar and Soul food kitchen in her apartment Angela’s name and her delicious food started to circulate around town and the love for it started to grow. Angela eventually decided to go to school and get her food management certificate along with other certificates in Health & Safety and Culinary Baking. She started to do small cooking events around town, private catering jobs, and even private meal prep and cooking lessons. That’s when Angela realized she was born to cook, and wants to share her love of cooking with the world. She opened her small catering business in 2017 called “Angela’s Taste of Soul with a Twist” a barbecue and catering company that has been very successful. Angela is now working on her very own cookbook, so that she can fulfill her dream of sharing her cooking and recipes with the world and is also continuing her education in the Culinary arts. 



Angela says she "wouldn’t be anywhere without keeping faith and God first in her life”. As a loving mother of three beautiful children Elijah, Antonae, Lil A.D. and wife to A.D. Burrise she believes the community is also a part of her family and that she’ll always continue to do her part to lend a helping hand whenever it’s needed in the community.


If you would like to meet and celebrate with Angela Scott, we are thrilled to invite you to celebrate with us at our All Black Affair – Black Magical Award event on February 29th at Smugglers Banquet at 7 pm.

Purchase Tickets here



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