
Rena Price, born in Pasadena, CA raised majority of her life in Fresno, CA. Mother of 3 magical
daughters, 26, 25, and 8. Humility and helping others being one of her strengths in characters, she has
been naturally drawn towards the profession of financial services where she strives to teach the
understanding of how important it is to invest in our financial future at an early age and the vehicles
available to do so.


Rena came into her calling by being disabled due to some work-related injuries and is
now a Licensed Ordained Minister, has published and is the author of a book called "Let’s Keep It 100 and awaken truth within," and has 8 more books in the making.


Rena took the time her doctor gave her not be a victim but discover the root to her disability and found much more than healing. She found the greatest understanding she could ever discover. She found herself, and the understanding of her anatomy and biology and started understanding the magic that she was keeping locked within all the chronic pain, mental trauma, and PTSD she was dealing with for years. By going to the root of her anatomy and not the cause or effect of her disability she discovered her pain went deeper than the physical injuries she was dealing with at that time.

Through her understanding of her amazing anatomy Rena was able to overcome a lot of adult and childhood trauma’s, end chronic depression and got to understand how to do it on an internal level vs the external level society has accustomed us to. Because of this she wanted to share with her community how we can start to not only heal ourselves with a greater understanding of our internal wellbeing. But also, that our healing will reflect back into the community of Fresno where it will not only unite us as Fresno residents but also allow us to become a City that stands for unity and that draws revenue and growth to our residents and community as well.


When we find the root cause to any illness, sickness, external issues, or disability, we find the solution, and Rena’s goal is to help Fresno City see there is a solution to helping us rise in unity on every level, and stature through healing internally the trauma that our past understanding has place upon us all as an whole. This led her to start a 501c ministry where she sows her magical seeds into Fresno, and her future goal is to partner with Fresno City helping unite us against our barriers through greater understanding in our anatomy. She is a Certified life coaching where she teaches the understanding of life on an internal level vs an external level proving that our magic lives within just waiting for us to unlock it. Written by CJ, Blanc

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